William Heath Robinson
(31 May 1872 – 13 September 1944)
Heath Robinson’s main employment was in providing a unique brand of humour to magazines and advertising- supplemented by various commissions for fantasy illustrations. He drew inspiration from people he met and the places where he lived.
In the 11 years Heath Robinson lived in Cranleigh he became a part of the community, especially in regards to his eldest son Oliver who attended Cranleigh School.
He drew for the school, a poster advertising the ‘Lads v Dads’ cricket match on June 3 1922, and also drew posters for the prep school plays.
Whatever the weather, Heath Robinson walked down the Horsham Road every day, along the street, to the post office on the corner of Knowle Lane, and home again. Cranleigh was ideal for long walks, on which he perhaps processed his artistic ideas that we can now enjoy today.