Time To Be Social – Sara Bridgeman

Hello again and this month I’m thinking about how we are getting back to some sort of normal. For those of you who have got new puppies or dogs during the lockdowns, it may mean that your dog is still finding being social around a lot of people or other dogs too exciting or stressful. It’s a big worry that we need to “socialise” our dogs as much as possible and as soon as possible.

Living in Cranleigh, I’ve discovered that this is easier than living in a larger, less personal place. I see the same dogs and owners again and again when I’m out. I say hello to clients and other dog owners as I do my shopping. And it is this community spirit that can help you with your dog.

Working in the local parks recently, I’ve been delighted that other dog owners and walkers are interested to help during a training session. They make great distractions, help with training dogs not to bark or jump up and are always happy to meet new puppies. I recently ran the first of the puppy and teenage social sessions at Snoxhall Fields and it was nice to see the dogs working around children, adults, football games and lots of other distractions. There is a saying that it “takes a village to raise a child” and this is just as true about dogs. Everyone that they come in contact with – human or canine – has an impact.

If you are having concerns about your dog’s social behaviour I can help you. I am running a monthly social session and other workshops will be coming up soon concentrating on recall, lead work and manners. For more information, visit my website and sign up to the newsletter for details of events.

Have a good month, Sara, Edie and Rupert.

Contact me, Sara Bridgeman on 07504 925341 or visit my website at: www.rewardsdogtraining.co.uk


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