by Phillip Chapman
Surrey County Council are looking to undertake a redevelopment of Cranleigh High Street. There has already been a consultation and final designs were published. However these designs have not been popular with the people of Cranleigh.
The proposed changes include removing the Horseshoe Lane (the one by the cricket club) and Village Way roundabouts, narrowing the high street, removing much of the free parking, introducing raised sections of the roads (large speed humps) at a cost of approximately £4m, generated from income from all the recent new developments in Cranleigh.
We believe the consultation process was wholly inadequate and very few residents are aware of what is being proposed and the implications for Cranleigh.
Our view is that these changes will materially harm the village, increase congestion and make the village less attractive for shopping, resulting in a serious loss of income for local businesses.
To find out more about this, please visit the website:
In addition, please visit our website where you will find further information including a survey for residents to provide feedback on the changes.
We want to encourage everyone to complete this survey whether you support the plans or not. We intend to collate this feedback and present it to your representatives on Waverley and Surrey Councils.