My Mum in the 1940s
My mum was beautiful, as all mums are. She could have been a model going by the photograph taken in the 1940’s. She married my dad in her early 20’s and had five children and many grandchildren.
They both loved animals and had five dogs during their marriage. She had lots of interests; gardening, cooking, flower arranging and knitting as well as looking after her children and occasionally her grandchildren. She was mainly a housewife though in her 60s decided to have a part-time job working in a nursing home using all her skills she collected over the years.
My dad was a precision engineer and sadly became ill with Parkinson’s Disease so my mum gave up her job to look after him. As the disease progressed he went into a nursing home and passed away about sixteen years ago.
It was a very difficult time for my mum as they had been married for sixty years and so therefore had to adapt being on her own. Being very independent she managed to care for herself with the help of one of my sisters who lived locally in Dorset. Unfortunately at the age of 91 she had a fall and we found an excellent nursing home in Guildford so my other sisters and myself could see her each day.

Family Group photo with my Mum in the front centre
She was eventually diagnosed with Vascular Dementia though luckily always remembered our names and who we were. Over the months the carers found it more difficult to dress mum as she was very stiff and eventually bed-bound. As my mum always looked very smart and loved wearing floral blouses I designed a blouse that overlapped at the back and secured with shoulder poppers instead of Velcro which can catch on other clothing.
The front of the blouse had an imitation button stand so there was no need to spend time in buttoning and unbuttoning the blouse. The carers found this to be extremely easy and quick to dress mum reducing the pain and stress mum encountered as well as providing some dignity which sadly appeared to be slowly disappearing.
Since my mum’s passing I have researched and created other styles as I feel my design would benefit so many people experiencing the same problems as my mum. I created a designer label in her name Sadie May®; the range compiling of a plain ‘V’ neckline, a small stand collar and a shirt style collar suitable for men and women.
The blouses and shirts are made-to-order in 100% cotton or a Polyester/Cotton mix fabric giving a fresh crisp look and would be an excellent present for those very special occasions. You’re very welcome to view these items at my studio Top Stitch Guildford, Unit 25 Smithbrook Kiln, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8JJ or call me for more information.
Phone Gail Ames: 07949 616761