Art of Cranleigh April 2016

Art Of…..

Well, anything can be an art form, if time is taken to appreciate it.

Speaking, for instance. When we speak, our accents colour our words with our unique per- spectives, brought from all over the world. Each language has a unique history and culture you might not contemplate when they’re being used to describe the rainy English weather or tell you “that’s £2.50 please.”

Walking along the high street you may not notice the art form the buildings around you represent, the hard graft put into designing and building the cultural symbols above your bowed head, eyes too busy with the phone in your hands.

Cooking as an art form is not something many of us have time to pay tribute to properly. The morning school run serves up burnt toast and soggy cereal, steeped in sugar. And come even- ing, the view is of you, manhandling some chips and processed meat into the oven, your mind on getting the kids into bed.

Sleeping is an art form some of us have perfected too well! Snoozing the school or work hours away whilst the art of living is just wait- ing to be discovered.

Open your eyes to the beauty around you, and life will become your art form.


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