Desiccated tree trunk with sandstorm behind © Chris Flood
Do you enjoy photography? Do you have use of a camera? Would you like to improve your skills? If so, think about joining Cranleigh Camera Club. Members have a range of skill levels from near-beginners to advanced. Their preferred subjects in colour or black and white vary from wildlife and landscapes to urban street photography, sports, public events, travel, portraits, architecture and still life. The club has a varied programme which includes visiting speakers, talks and demonstrations by club members, evenings of advice on members’ work, regular internal competitions (participation is voluntary), friendly competitions with other clubs and an annual exhibition in which members can showcase their images for the public. Each year visits are organised to outside events or places of interest.
The atmosphere is friendly and supportive: members aim to encourage each other. No matter how much or how little experience they have, everyone can learn to improve their images. Besides the techniques of shooting photographs, this can also include discussion of how pictures can be post-processed. Some members prefer to leave their photographs as they come out of the camera, while others develop skills in manipulating their images with the aid of user-friendly software programmes. Learning to produce prints of good quality and mounting them for display is another aspect of the activity.
Come and join us! The club’s weekly programme for this season starts on 19 September 2019 and runs until 4 June 2020 (with breaks for Christmas and Easter), but you can join at any time or attend a couple of meetings without charge to see if you think it will suit you.
Meetings are held at the Baptist Church Hall (262, The High Street, Cranleigh, GU6 8RT). You can find the programme and further contact details on our website at: www.cranleighcameraclub.co.uk
Email: enquiries@cranleighcameraclub.co.uk
Standing Alone © Pete Baldrey