Cranleigh Probus A Club – October 2019

William Samuel Cody the aviator, standing beside the mark V aircraft which he built and flew at Farnborough airport.

The monthly Probus A club lunch for October will take place as usual on the 2nd Tuesday, October 8. The venue will be the Cranleigh Golf and Country Club on Barhatch Lane where a two course lunch will be served.

David Wilson will give a talk on “Early Flying at Farnborough, including early use of balloons and kites for reconnaissance by Samuel Franklin Cody and the earliest UK activity in flying airships and planes plus the notable achievements of the Royal Aircraft Establishment”

The club welcomes non members to hear speakers and experience its friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Advance notice of interest in attending should be communicated.

For further information about the club see the website or contact Stewart Shepley, phone 01483 548488, or via email:


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