On 28 May 1970, a group of local businessmen came together to confirm the foundation of the Rotary Club of Cranleigh. Since then, many professional men and women have become members of the Rotary Club. Unable to meet in the normal way under the restrictions imposed because of the coronavirus, many of the current members of the Club met online via Zoom on 28 May 2020 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Club.
“We had 17 members on screen and a few who had difficulties getting in,” said Club President Richard Kenyon. “Tom Cornwell is our longest serving member and he gave a brief speech with some recollections. I proposed a toast to Founders, past-presidents and all members past and present.
“28 May 1970 was the date of the grant of our Charter. Our original plans for a grand Dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary were frustrated by the Covid-19 pandemic, but we hope to arrange this when the situation permits.”
Each year, Cranleigh Rotarians support the local community and raise thousands of pounds for charities at home and abroad.
In order to continue their outreach, they are always seeking new members, associate members, friends and volunteers. If you would like to get involved, even in a small way, please get in touch.