Have you ever thought of being a School Governor?

Loxwood Primary School is looking for enthusiastic individuals who are committed and willing to give up a little of their time to help with the ongoing running and development of their local school. It is a fulfilling and vital role.

The school is based in the centre of Loxwood and currently has 177 children offering individual classes in each of the 7 year groups. Community and family are at the heart of all that we do, ensuring that the pupils feel valued and safe in their learning environment.

Our OFSTED inspection in 2016 confirmed that ‘Pupils are motivated and enthused by their learning and behave well.’

Currently there are several vacancies on the governing body for “co-opted” governors. These are individuals who are recognised as having specific skills or qualifications, ensuring that we have a diverse and broad skill set. You don’t necessarily have to be a parent of a child in the school to be a co-opted governor.

The specific skills that we are currently looking for are:

  • Charity Law and Funding
  • HR Policies and processes
  • Legal compliance
  • Community Interface
  • School Curriculum Knowledge
  • Pupil Special Needs

This really is a fulfilling and important community volunteer role and is extremely rewarding. If you are interested then please contact; Governors@loxwoodschool.com


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