Home-Start say thank you to all their Volunteers!
Home-Start in Waverley has recently held a celebration lunch for all of their volunteers. The volunteers came from all over the District to share a lunch provided by the Trustees and staff at Broadwater Park Community Centre in Godalming. Photographs, taken over the past 20 years, were displayed alongside many quotes and testimonials of the value of the support offered.
Louise Granville-Jones cut a wonderful cake. She has been an integral part of the Charity and featured in many of the photographs as she has been with the Charity since it first started in Farnham in 1998. Every Volunteer makes a huge difference to parents and children and as way of saying thank you they were all presented with a plant.
The Chair of Trustees thanked all the volunteers on behalf of the Trustees and Families. He said that, during the 20 years, over 1,700 families have been supported affecting over 5,000 children. This is a very tangible and significant impact on the lives of people throughout Waverley and is very much appreciated. He also said how grateful we are that local organisations and businesses were providing such generous financial support as they also appreciate the value of what we do.
Home-Start is an essential part of support that is offered to families who have a child under the age of 5 and experiencing a time of stress or strain. They offer practical and friendly support in the families own home usually one day a week for 2 to 4 hours. Every Volunteer attends a Preparation Course which ensures that they have the knowledge and understanding to support the families. The next Preparation Course will be starting on Monday in Godalming on the 17th September 2018.
If you are interested in Joining us, please call 01252 737453 or email