Dividers For Drawers – Kitchen drawers have a tendency to become cluttered if they are left to their own devices. Consider dividers, not only for cutlery, but for all the other bits and bobs kept in your kitchen drawers. Great at keeping everything in its place.
Cupboard Racks – Whether it’s a rack for keeping your pizza stones vertical, or your serving plates separated, they serve to avoid chips on your crockery, while being able to easily grab what you’re looking for.
Waste – Unfortunately producing waste in the kitchen is unavoidable. There are so many great solutions for keeping your waste out of sight, but not every kitchen has the room to put the bins in their own cupboard. Consider a discrete unit beside your work station, or even one that you can move around so that it’s handy when you are working in the kitchen but out of sight the rest of the time.
Shelves – Shelves can instantly create storage space, but be sure to keep them tidy Use them for every day items that get used often, that way everything is regularly cleaned and washed off, avoiding the familiar layer of kitchen grease building up on them.
Cupboard Shelves – Make sure you are using your cupboard space efficiently. Modern kitchens allow you to move the shelves to best fit your needs.
Hooks – Hooks can be the most useful things. Whether you are putting them inside cupboard doors to hold lids, for utensils under your wall cupboards, for cups under your shelves, on the wall for tea-towels and oven gloves, in the ceiling to put your macrame plant hangers up, the list is literally endless. Get creative.

Lazy Susan – If you have a dead space in your corner cupboards, on your worktop, or even in the fridge, consider investing in a Lazy Susan. They come in varying sizes and will hold anything from tins, tea and coffee or condiments to bottles of booze.
Decor That Doubles As Storage – If you like to have tea, coffee etc out on the worktop why not put them into decorative jars to add a bit of style to your functional solution.
Cloths and Towels – Get your Marie Kondo on with your towels and cloths. Folding your cloths and tea towels will allow them to fit neatly into a drawer and allow you to instantly find the one you’re looking for.
Tension Rod – The cupboard under the sink is often rammed with multiple spray bottles and cleaning products. Consider putting up a tension rod towards the top, allowing you to hang the spray bottles from it.
Plastic Bags – A sleeve pouch is perfect for containing all those plastic bags. If you have more than you know what to do with then maybe invest in a few for different sized bags.
Black/White Boards – If you’re one for lists, why not mount a black or white board inside a cupboard door so that it is easily accessible but out of sight when your visitors arrive.