Did you know that there is a conservation site in Cranleigh?
It was given to the Parish Council in 1970 for the benefit of the village by Gordon Harvey, in memory of his wife. A naturalist who recently visited the 2 ½ acre site said that it was ‘small but interesting’. It is a valuable asset for Cranleigh which has lost so much wildlife habitat in the last 3 years due to green field housing development.
It is now over 50 years since that gift and inevitably there have been changes. Originally it was all allotments and now the higher part of the field is the conservation site. A pond was dug, a hedge was planted to divide the field into two parts. There are some splendid mature oaks and the site is home to stoats, hazel dormice, shrews, rabbits and badgers. Wild flowers were planted and some just happily appeared, including an area of spotted orchids.
Not so long ago there was a threat to build houses on this site – but fortunately this came to nothing and the field is now protected by Fields in Trust.

During the recent lockdowns, this site became a place of quiet contemplation and solace. Surely, this is what Gordon Harvey would have wanted. People came to walk, or just to sit. The site is elevated and the view over Cranleigh and the hills beyond is lovely.
Maintaining a site like this needs volunteers. We meet on the morning of 2nd Sunday of the month, and hope to increase our work days if we get more volunteers.
If you have time to spare and want to make a difference, please get in touch with Philip Townsend at: townsendp99@gmail.com
Find out more about the Beryl Harvey Field HERE.