The Ottawa Beavers (very young Scouts), from Cranleigh, and St Lawrence Beavers, from Ewhurst, undertook a night walk around Elm- bridge and Knowle Park on a spookily dark evening in December and successfully raised over £ 300 for
Help the Heroes.
There were over 40 Beavers, Leaders and Parents taking the fresh air and the muddy walkers criss- crossed the footpaths and fi . It was a dry night but after heavy rain earlier you could hear the mud under foot but not see it! We had a great time and thanks to Amanda Mills and Sarah Ball for organising this event.
This year (2016) is the 100th Anniversary of Cub Scouts and many special events are being organ- ised by Scout Association to celebrate. But we can only participate in such events if we constantly re- cruit more Leaders and helpers from our community to work with our young people. In recent years we have been successful in expanding our Scout Group to reduce the long waiting lists for the Scouting Ex- perience. Surely there can be no better way of help- ing children develop their potential than through the core principals of Scouting. Volunteers can help by contributing just a few hours each week to guide our children through a structured programme.
We provide appropriate levels of training with exter- nally recognised qualifi tions, a uniform and all you need to make a diff to our community. The kids get to learn new skills and responsibilities whilst mix- ing with others of similar ages and using group play to try new things and explore their talents. This for only £108 per year – free if you are the child of a uniformed helper! The alternatives are TV watching and computer games using thumbs – possibly read- ing books or other sports. Anyway it’s all out there waiting to be harvested – so if you want to experience the fun, friendship and adventure of Scouting please contact us via www.cranleighscouts.org or dave@ cranleighscoutgroup.org
It has now become apparent that if additional leaders are not found one Beavers colony and possibly a Cub pack will have to close down after Easter 2016. Wejust cannot cover the demand for places with the current leadership on our books.
The return of the Jumble Sale
Our next event will be at the Cranleigh guide HQ on 27th February – doors open at 9am – please bring jumble from 20th Feb to Scout HQ in Village Way. Come along to buy and speak to a uniformed leader about helping for a couple of hours each week.
Dave Saunders AGSL