The Autumn cold begins to set in as we go into the month of October, but there is still many things you can do to keep busy in your garden. It may seem worthless raking when it’s windy, but just think of all the leafmould you could make!
Why not give your garden a bit of magic this Autumn with these tips and tricks:
- Collect seeds from hardy perennials like astrantia, achillea and red valerian, and sow right away.
- Take some cuttings of shrubby herbs, such as rosemary, lemon verbena and thyme.
- Clear away old crops, so they can’t harbour pests and diseases on the veg plot through the winter.
- Wash greenhouse glazing to let in as much of the weaker autumn sunlight as possible.
- Clear fallen leaves from greenhouse guttering to make sure water butts fill up.
- Rake up fallen leaves from lawns, borders, driveways and paths, and pop in bin bags to make them rot down into leafmould.
- Collect up canes and plant supports that are no longer in use, and keep them stored indoors over the winter.
- Spread sweet peas in deep pots for early flowers next summer.