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Surrey Hills – Christmas Concerts

The Christmas season means so many different things to each one of us. It always brings back special memories of our own childhoods, giving and receiving presents, and singing carols. Re-imagine those magical times, and get yourself into the Christmas spirit by coming to one, or even both, of the ...

Kicking Over The Traces . . .

We sometimes like to disregard what is expected of us in life and follow our own wishes. Even as little children, we would take a run and jump and land on our two feet just to see how far or high we could get. Or going out into the park and kicking the dead Autumn leaves over; throwing them up into ...

November – Frosty Times

As leaves start falling and the wind and rain are on the increase watch out for tender plants that need protecting from frost, gales and freezing rains. Shift these plants into the greenhouse, or into a sheltered spot, but if you can’t, it is worth wrapping plants or pots. Don’t forget winter can ...

Cranleigh Film Club – November 2017

Showing on the 30th of November, Julieta, at the Bandroom at 7:30pm (doors open at 7:00pm and refreshments on sale) Almodovar returns to female focused drama which he has specialised in throughout his colourful career. This new work has been praised as a recapture of the famous style and content ...

Cranleigh Magazine