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Cranleigh Camera Club

Picture © Chris Flood (Cranleigh Camera Club) Do you enjoy photography? Do you have use of a camera? Would you like to improve your skills? If so, think about joining Cranleigh Camera Club. Members have a range of skill levels from near-beginners to advanced. Their preferred subjects in ...

September – Fruity Flavours!

September is generally a cooler, gustier month than August and the days are noticeably shorter. While there’s not as much to do in the garden at this time of the year, if you have a fruit or vegetable patch, you’ll be busy reaping the rewards of harvest. It’s also time to get out and start ...

Girl on a Train by Paula Hawkins

Rachel catches the same train into London every morning, and every day it stops at the same signal overlooking a row of back gardens. If she manages to sit on the right side of the train, grabbing her favourite seat, she is able to catch a glance of the “perfect couple”, she doesn’t know their ...

Paint Your Home Happy with Colour Psychology

Colour psychology says that some hues work better than others at encouraging particular activities and moods, with some colour consultants claiming that the colour you paint your walls can have a huge effect on the emotional wellbeing of your family. With this in mind, we’ve put together a guide ...

People Profile – Rhoda Kirk – A Colourful Life

“Most days I go to the Cranleigh Leisure Centre for a swim and it’s amazing the number of people you meet there from all walks of life. Rhoda Kirk is one of those people. Rhoda is almost totally blind and manages to get from her home in Cranleigh to the leisure centre where she swims every week. ...

Cranleigh Magazine