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The Man With The Very Long Beard

Jasper stood rigidly, his wizened neck hiding beneath his balding head. His cagey eyes shone clear blue in the harsh summer sun as he glared at the children dancing around the Maypole with youthful glee, ribbons twirling and spinning with delight. Jasper shifted from one foot to another before ...

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier

The book “Rebecca” by Daphne Du Maurier, draws on the alluring glamour of 1930s country society and the aura of impending devastation that saturated the years before the Second World War. Put simply, it is a novel about a house and a dead woman. The book tells the story of a young, ...

May – Summer’s Not Far Away

As bulbs fade and plants start to grow in leaps and bounds, it is exciting to know that the warmer weather is approaching. Sowing and planting out bedding can start, depending on regional weather variations, and you can take soft wood cuttings. It’s also time to start getting back into mowing the ...

Rotary & Cranleigh’s Fairtrade gold

The Rotary Club of Cranleigh is pleased to welcome Fairtrade gold jeweller Jon Dibben as the guest speaker at their meeting on Thursday 5th May. Jon Dibben is based at Smithbrook Kilns and was one of the first 20 designers to be licensed to make jewellery using the world’s first Fairtrade and ...

Cranleigh Magazine