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Glebelands School Science Week Visit

Thursday 4th February saw the culmination of the Glebelands School Community Science week with a presentation from Dr Marty Jopson. Dr Jopson is a science presenter on the BBC One Show as well as being a prolific science communicator and author. Dr Jopson spoke on the history of electricity with ...

Glebelands School Science Challenge

The 29th January to the 3rd February saw Glebelands School host its annual Community Science week. Nearly 400 students from Years 1 to 6 from local primary schools, as well as students from Years 7 and 8 at Glebelands took part. It was a fantastic experience with students taking on the role of ...

March – Spring Is Here At Last!

Springtime has arrived hopefully by mid-March and the frequent sunny days provide the opportunity for an increasing range of gardening tasks. It’s time to get busy preparing seed beds, sowing seed, cutting back winter shrubs and generally tidying up around the garden.   March jobs to do: ...

The Woman In White – By Wilkie Collins

Among the most famous and widely read novels of the 19th century, The Woman in White is a story that will completely devour you. We’ve chosen to review it this month, with our theme of fresh beginnings, for the novel follows the characters on a journey of love, loss, hardship and eventual ...


It looked like a spaceship from the seventies. Bright yellow and black, with a clear Perspex panel in the top so that you could look in to inspect the eggs inside. Every so often, you could hear it whirring into action, turning its plates with a low rumble, from its corner in the back of the boiler ...

Crane Spotter – March – Back From The Dead!

‘Croak, croak croak!’ Hear that sound this month and you will probably be looking down into a pond of breeding frogs. But you may just need to look upwards too. Now I am unaware of any flying frogs in the Cranleigh area. But I have been recording increased sightings in the last few years of a ...

Cranleigh Magazine