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Pumpkin & Pecan Strudel

Prep: 25 mins Cook: 1hr, 30mins Difficulty: Moderately Easy Serves: 6 Ingredients. 1kg/2lb 4 oz pumpkin or butternut squash (peeled weight- 1 medium pumpkin or 1 large butternut squash), deseeded and cut into large chunks 2 tsp vegetable oil 140g soft light brown sugar, plus extra for ...

Bee Alive: Keep Britain’s Bee Population Buzzing!

The Royal Society of Biology recently held a survey to find Britain’s favourite insect. The winner, with a whopping 40.5% of the vote, was the buff-tailed bumblebee. Yes, the humble bumbler beat both the ladybird and the dragonfly for the top spot, highlighting our nation’s love for bees. Many of ...

Lives Laid Down

These are some of the 112 named in ‘Cranleigh’s Roll of Honour’ compiled by P. Wilkins & I. Stedman. Names of casualties who fell in both World Wars. A sacrifice that STILL continues today in our ‘war torn world’ and troubled times. So many local people who gave everything that we might live ...

A Poultry Tale

If you grew up in the countryside, you probably have your own goose story. Chased, attacked, intimidated - most of us have been there, and some even have the scars to prove it. Geese are the thugs of the farmyard, beating any prize-winning bull, grumpy ram or bunny with a vendetta, hands down. I ...

Cranleigh Magazine