This year, due to the possible effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, Cranleigh Rotary (in association with St. Nicolas Church parishioners) is pursuing a combined ‘Real’ and ‘Virtual’ shoebox-gifting strategy. This will enable donors to either fill a shoebox or make a cash donation, which will then be used to purchase suitable gifts in Romania for disadvantaged children.
If you wish to participate in this charitable exercise, you will need a copy of the ‘appeal leaflet’; this is available (electronically or in printed format) from Rotarian David Barry who can be contacted at:
or 07966 887115.
As per normal practice, shoeboxes and/or donations will be collected directly from the local schools but to facilitate parishioner and ‘community’ donors, the following collection schedules/locations have also been arranged;
• St. Nicolas parishioners: 12th November, Church Car Park; 10.30 – 12.30
• Community donors: 14th November, Fountain Square; 10.30 – 12.30
So, please help put smiles on the faces of deprived or disabled children again this Christmas, Many Thanks.