Save Newlands Corner

Surrey County Council is currently planning to impose parking charges at Newlands Corner in order to cease its subsidy of Surrey Wildlife
Trust, who manage this Albury Estate owned public amenity. It is also planning to build a large new visitor centre and commercial café on the main car park with a terrace extending out onto the sloping grassland.

Many are concerned about the suitability of this plan. They feel strongly that the Burger Bar and Visitor Centre in its current modest form, is in keeping with the natural environment and with the needs of those who use and cherish this unique and rightly desig- nated ‘Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’.

A petition has been organised which has attracted over 6,600 signatures to date.

For  more  information  please  go  to:  www.change.

family-friendly-and-free-to-access or contact Richard Harrold telephone: 01372 375728

To keep updated on the latest news a blog is avail- able at:

You can also contact SCC’s Cabinet Member for En- vironment and Planning, Cllr Mike Goodman: mike., 01276 489680.


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