St Nicolas Church is a Silver Award Winner 2024: Eco Church

Eco Church is an exciting, award scheme run by A Rocha UK for churches in England and Wales. Using an innovative questionnaire/survey approach, it helps churches care for God’s world by focussing communities and congregations on  how we are performing as stewards of the planet  in five key areas of church life:

Worship and teaching
Land that we  look after
Community and global engagement 

St Nicolas Church, occupying a central village site for almost 900 years has been enthusiastically participating in the Eco Church Award Scheme since 2023. It’s been really energising to bring together the varied contributions of our church members and other members of our local community who look after our churchyard. With its wild areas to promote nature, maintain our ancient church and more modern buildings in the most environmentally friendly way we can manage.   We challenge ourselves as individuals to undertake to lower our carbon footprint, support local food markets, support fairtrade goods and to consider our use of energy and modes of transport. We have found new ways to reach out to our community and beyond.  

These include :

a) planting wild flowers to attract bees and butterflies in gardens in the area 
b) the Farm and Food Festival St Nicolas stand 
c) link with Cranleigh Climate Action, 
d) offer the use of our churchyard for local youth groups for nature and conservation activities 
e) work with Surrey Trees at Surrey County Council to plant more trees across our area.  

Our Eco Corner, located within the church, continues to develop and our Eco Journal is filling with items that demonstrate eco-friendly activities and outcomes by church members and our community. A loan scheme for eco books for readers of all ages is also located there – take a look! 

Next stop after our recent Silver Award, is to see if we can attain GOLD!  Look out for our certificate  in Church and a silver plaque soon to be on display, we hope,   near the church entrance.  Come and make your  own journal entry – we’d love you to join our growing band of Eco Champions! 

Sue Tresman
Eco Church Co-ordinator


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