Used Up Bites


25ml olive oil
25g of Butter
125g thin sliced potatoes
100g white leek finely chopped
½ carrots diced small
1 stick of celery cut small
3 cloves of garlic crushed and chopped
150g red pepper chopped
1x400g tin of chopped Italian tomatoes
30g tomato purée
600ml good vegetable stock
15g chopped fresh basil
Salt and pepper mill

1. Use a non-stick large sauté pan, heat the oil and butter together
2. When hot fry the tomato paste until caramelised
3. Add the chopped vegetables except the tomatoes and quickly cook for 5 minutes stirring all the time, then add the tomatoes
4. Bring to the boil and cook for a further 3 minutes
5. Add the stock and simmer for 20 minute
6. Liquidise to a smooth texture and season to taste

Serve hot in a large tureen with the basil sprinkled on it and crouton separately
P.S This soup could be served cold; if so dilute it to taste, with chicken or vegetable stock

INSALATONE TREVISO (Mixed meat and salads)

My mother used this term to indicate a three meats and vegetable salad that she first sampled when she was a student in the town of Treviso. She served us with it on Thursdays. The reason for that day was that by then we had some different cold meats to use up before Friday when only fish was “de rigueur”. The mixture you will see below is really interesting and a delicious alternative to just cold meat and salad.

150g of chicken meat diced
150g of beef meat diced
150g of ham diced
100g of grated carrots
100g of grated celeriac (or 2 large chopped celery sticks)
100g of diced boiled potatoes
2 small cooked beetroot diced
50g of finely slice heart of a raw cabbage
50g of shelled peanuts
100g of cooked Borlotti (or kidney) beans
16 leaves of Radicchio
60ml of olive oil
15ml of wine vinegar
2 cloves of garlic crushed
Salt and pepper mill

1. Take a large bowl and rub the garlic on the inside, making sure that all the surface is impregnated with the garlic flavour. Chop the garlic and leave in the bowl
2. Place in it the 3 meats, peanuts, Borlotti and the chopped/sliced/grated vegetables. Add the oil, vinegar salt and pepper; mix the lot avoiding mushing up the ingredients
3. Divide the mixture in 4 dinner plates on 4 leaves of radicchio in each
4. Serve with crusty bread rolls


My step-mother used to make this dessert and once I lived in England, I realised it was similar to a crumble, though there is a slight difference. I trust you will like it too.

500g Rhubarb lightly poached in little water with 80 g of granulated sugar
50ml Marsala wine or medium dry Sherry
120g flour
80g ground oats (flaked would do)
50g flaked almonds
180g Butter (or a good Margarine not too soft)
20ml of olive oil
120g of soft brown sugar
Pinch of salt

1. Drain the rhubarb and place in an oven proof dish.
2. Sprinkle over it the Marsala or Sherry. Rest for half an hour
3. Place the flour, almond and oats in a bowl, mix well.
4. Add the sugar, salt, oil and the butter cut in small pieces.
5. Mix well together but keep it light.
6. Place this mixture over the Rhubarb and cook for 25 minutes in a hot oven at 175° C

Serve with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. Custard? Why not!

BUON APPETITO – Giovanni Fontebasso


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