David and Lindsey Murphy
Saturday 9th July saw the third annual Wanborough Lane potato competition. Over 30 households from Wanborough Lane were each sold a seed potato which they then had to grow in a domestic bucket, the heaviest crop when weighed at the weigh-in party being the winner.
This year Lindsey and David Murphy carried off the prestigious and much sought- after Mrs Potato Head trophy together with a 25k sack of potatoes! Their crop weighed just under 1.5k!!
Organiser, John Roffey said, “This fun competition is a great way to bring neighbours together and to raise money for our selected charity, Marie Curie. This year we raised £335 for them.”
John Roffey added, “thanks to all the local businesses who supported the event – Notcutts for donating the seed potatoes, the Co-Op and the large market greengrocer for providing the prizes.”
Everyone in the Lane is looking forward to next year’s event.